The power of affirmations was lost on me for a long time (found them cheesy). That’s until I discovered affirmation meditations that really resonated with me. Their style was more cool and less woowoo. I actually felt the words I was affirming rather than just reciting them in an automated way. Affirmation meditations can be done in the morning when you first rise (my favourite moment, when my mind is clear and I am setting the tone for the day), during your day (I sometimes listen to them as I am putting my makeup on or walking) or in the evening before bed (a powerful way to program your subconscious to soak in those positive messages).

I have listened to these 3 meditations more times than I can count (probably hundreds if you combine all three together) and find them very powerful so I thought I would share them here for you to discover. There are so many affirmation meditation options out there that if these don’t tickle your fancy, don’t let that stop you from continuing to explore this practice. Simply search for other styles and you’re likely going to find one that inspires you.

The following meditation is supposed to be an evening meditation but I always listen to it in the morning as it sets me up with an empowered mindset for the day:

11 minute meditation + affirmations: Embody a rich and abundant life

This affirmation meditation by Ashley Chimiy is another morning favourite because it invites us to let go (which is a must for type A driven personalities like me):

Morning affirmations: Peaceful presence, non-attachment (available for free on the Insight Timer app)

And last but not least (she’s my fave actually) is a meditation by Lalah Delia, an author and spiritual teacher that truly inspires me. I discovered her on the Insight Timer meditation app and loved her meditations so much than I then bought her book and was obsessed I wrote a blog post about it.

Trust the process affirmation meditation (available for free on the Insight Timer app)Vibrate Higher Daily book by Lalah Delia

If you want to find out more about starting a meditation practice, watch this video. Namaste. 
