Learn to listen to your heart a little more, obey the thoughts in your head a little less and know that you don’t always need a plan. Earlier this week, I celebrated the 1 year anniversary of these Daily Inspirations. This means that for over 365 days now, I’ve been waking up every morning and doing something that comes purely from my heart.

I didn’t have a plan or a strategy. It wasn’t my head that said “You should really do this, it will help grow your blog’s audience.” In fact, at the beginning, I wondered how these daily reflections would be received and if they really would make a difference (that was my head speaking). Despite this, I wrote everyday, simply putting out what I felt I needed to.

I guess I was hoping to make a difference and inspire people to live their best life but I didn’t have any expectations. I just did it. With time, I started getting more and more comments as to how my words would help someone who was feeling lost or discouraged.
They would give the kick in the pants or reminder of how lucky we are to be here.

Today, I am so grateful that I listened to my heart even when my head questioned the utility of doing this every single morning. These Daily Inspirations have become the heart of what the Red Fairy Project is all about and we’re just getting started.

If there are topics in particular you would like me to address, I’d love for you to let me know in the comments below. I am here, of service to you. I take time every morning to connect with my heart and hoping that it will help you connect with yours.

Thank you to every single one of you amazing beings that stop by here whether it’s only once or everyday of the week. Your presence and comments keep me going and I look forward to what’s to come.

Take a screenshot of today’s quote and refer to it often. Remember to think a little less and feel a little more. The places your heart can take you are so much more beautiful than what your mind can even imagine. Wishing you an amazing day filled with inspiration and magic.

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