I strongly believe that travel is a key ingredient to living a healthy + happy life. No need to jet-set around the world (although that can be quite fun). Just stepping outside your usual stomping grounds can give you a fresh perspective and provide major inspiration. Plus, you get to connect with new people and experience moments that allow you to grow both spiritually and intellectually.
Costa Rica Day 6 now up on redfairyproject.com! Snorkeling and sunsets. ⚓️

As you’ve seen by my many travel posts, I’m quite the explorer. I always feel that when I come back home after a trip I’m more inspired and evolved than before I left.

Traveling really allows you to expand your horizons and see how the rest of the world lives which is key to appreciating all that you have.

As you read this, we have arrived in Sardinia Italy and will be spending a week exploring this gorgeous island. Follow me on Snapchat (username: redfairyproject) if you don’t already as I’ll be sharing tons of pics and videos as our adventure unfolds.

What are your favourite places in the world? If you have any recommendations of must-see countries or city, I would love for you to share them with me below!

Want to explore of the the spots I’ve been to? Check these posts out: Costa Rica, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, England, Switzerland.

Wishing you a wonderful day!

Geneviève xo

To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading the recommended articles below!

(Image by White Living Etc)