Do you stop to see how life is preparing you for what your heart desires? We often think our daily actions are random and we aren’t sure where we are going but when we look back, we can usually see key moments that were setting the stage for our next steps.

I’m very much about living in the NOW. Enjoying it for all it has to offer rather than always wanting to be somewhere in the future. I also appreciate the present moment (however uncomfortable it might feel sometimes) because I trust it’s preparing me for something important. Something that is part of my purpose.

We have to make sure that we aren’t solely focusing on what we want, what we can get, what’s in it for us. We must see how we can be of service in our own unique way. We each have incredible gifts to bring to this world and it’s when we start tapping into them that we can live a truly amazing life.

Our time here isn’t just about what we can get, it’s about what we can give. We must find the balance between both. If you are in a place where you wish you were somewhere else (physically, mentally, emotionally), look at what this moment has to offer you.

There are lessons to be learned and insights into yourself and how you are living your life. It’s possible that until you see those lessons, until you see what life is trying to teach you that you will remain in this current space.

It’s not to instil fear that I say this, it’s simply to bring a new perspective. I’ve learned so much about myself in the past two years. About the differences between we want vs what we actually needSometimes appearances can be deceiving. It might look like our life is sailing along but we might in fact be heading into the open sea where we would have gotten completely lost.

I now consider that these past two years have given me precious tools to navigate my life and that I am now better equipped to rise to my full potential. How is life preparing you to rise to your full potential in this very moment? Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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Image via Lewis Howes