This quote brings me back to the day I was contemplating quitting my job to follow my dream of building a purpose based business. I had reached my career goals and was director at an amazing fashion magazine.

That said, I had always maintained the dream of starting a business. Once I had reached that major career milestone I was looking for new challenges which weren’t being offered to me at my job.

I started to feel like I was betraying myself by staying there.

I was enjoying the comfort and stability and also being at the top of my game. But! I knew there was something else out there waiting for me.

Life had given me plenty of signs and it was as if one door was closing and the other one was opening.

The fear of regretting not starting my business became stronger than the fear of facing the unknown and taking that leap of faith.


I really feel like that day I started living MY life while in the past I had lived based on how others thought I should live. There have been ups and downs and it’s not all glamour and glitz.

If you would like to find out more about my journey and the crazy roller coaster ride it’s been since I took the plunge over two years ago, check out my latest article written in the Huffington Post called What really happens when you quit your job to follow your dreams. Happy reading!

Geneviève xoxo

To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading the recommended articles below!

(Image via Lisa Messenger)

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