Believe that you make a difference because you do. You might not see it or realize when you are having an impact on others but it happens everyday.  Your very existence creates shifts in your surroundings. If you weren’t here, this world would not be the same. It would not experience the gifts you bring to it, the emotions you generate in others.

You are here to make a difference even when you feel small and insignificant. Know though that that mindset takes you further away from your truth. From realizing your purpose and doing what you came here to do.

Notice the everyday moments that bring you joy.

When you feel that you are at your best and when time flies. Those joyful moments are clues as to what you have to give to others, what you can contribute. Embrace them fully even if your ego mind says they aren’t important.

Even if your inner mean girl voices her thoughts and they are unkind, don’t believe her. Trust your intuition and where your passions guide you. They too hold clues to your authentic path.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with moments of realization in how you make a difference and serve your purpose.

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Image by Marie Forleo

One thought on “Believe that you make a difference

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