You are a game changer. It can be in a big way or small manner, it really doesn’t matter. You being here has meaning and you have a purposeYou’re not just meant to get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep and then do the same thing all over again the next day. You have incredible gifts that can enrich your life as well as the world around you.

Do you feel deeply connected to yourself or do you feel like you are in survival mode?

The mantra in my morning meditation today was “My destiny is joy”. I truly believe this – for all of us. It doesn’t mean that we won’t go through challenging moments. That is also part of the human experience. Those moments pass though and they bring us precious lessons that we can benefit from and use to create something beautiful.

Look around you and within. What are you not paying attention to that might matter more than you think?

We can get so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to make this experience a magical one. We can find the balance between responsibilities and what our soul is cravingBust out of the box you might have put yourself in. You have something amazing to share with the world. Step out of automatic pilot mode and into awareness. Awareness of what it means to truly be alive.

We are all game changers yet many of us prefer to just be observers, staying within the confines of our comfort zone

That’s not where the magic happens. That’s not where you create what you were meant to. Take moments today to breathe in the possibilities of what your life can be if you choose to look at it from a new angle. To view it as an opportunity to do something meaningful everyday. Once again, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It’s just something that is done with intention and has a positive impact on someone’s life. Wishing you an incredible weekend where you see the possibilities and start to truly believe in the beauty you can create.

Image by Lorna Jane Clarkson