Being aware of the importance of our daily choices is crucial to living healthy + happy. When we live unconsciously we often catch ourselves saying “where did the time go?!”. When we live consciously we are in the present moment and make decisions based on our values and goals.
I posted in my private fitness group this morning about the fact that I’ve been choosing my morning workouts over doing my hair because that’s more important to me. This might sound strange but my current work situation (which requires me getting up very early to commute) brought me to face certain choices in where I wanted to dedicate my time in the morning.
Blow drying and styling my hair takes a good 30 mins and I’d rather prioritize my health and workout (yay for dry shampoo and braids). I know the rituals that keep me grounded like meditation, exercise and eating healthy so I plan my life to have enough time to dedicate to these.
The internet has become somewhat of a black hole that we can get sucked into and that unfortunate doesn’t always have value to add (tv too for that matter). When choosing to focus your energy and time on something or someone, think about what it will bring to you and if it’s aligned with your core values.
Wishing you a fabulous Friday where you consciously choose what matters most and cut out the clutter that doesn’t.
Geneviève xo
To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading the recommended articles below!
(Image via @lottie.lillian)