I touched on this very subject during last night’s talk at Lululemon about the 5 pillars to live healthy + happy. Love is one of those pillars and self love is a very important part of that. The deeper your self love, the stronger your foundation.

Your foundation is your inner world. It’s what supports you through this journey. We often tend to focus on our outer world, neglecting what’s going on within. That’s when our life can get out of balance. When we start feeling empty and lost.

I can attest to the fact that when we don’t have self love, everything feels like a struggle.

For the earlier part of my life, I lacked self love and self confidenceIt affected everything I did (and didn’t do because of fear) until one day I had had enough of living that way.

It took a moment of darkness to finally see the light. To understand that I was worthy of all the love available in the world.

That meant stepping away from certain people that didn’t help me cultivate that self love and surrounding myself with those that did.

Self love is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

It will benefit you but also all those present in your life. It will create more opportunities for growth and fulfillment and allow you to live your life to the fullest. Wishing you a wonderful day where you take moments to reflect on how you are cultivating self love to build that solid foundation.

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Image by Danielle Laporte, a woman that has taught me a thing or two about self love and so much more. Such a beautiful teacher