How often do you celebrate yourself? How often do you think about all the good that you do and that you are? We are so often focused on what we think we are not that we forget all the beauty that we have to offer. Focusing on what we believe we lack is draining. Celebrating all that we are is energizing.

It’s not to say that you can’t want to grow to become even better but do that while celebrating who you currently are. I have so many extraordinary women around me that don’t fully see their greatness.

They let what they believe they are lacking stop them from moving ahead, from reaching what they truly want (a job where they are fulfilled, a blossoming romantic relationship). Once again, it doesn’t mean that if you don’t have one of the these examples that you are any less of an extraordinary person.

It’s just that so many amazing people are not developing their full potential because they think they aren’t worthy or they aren’t “enough”. If you hear the voice of the ego that tells you that, be wise enough not to believe it. Rise above it and meet it with all the reasons that you are truly great. 

It might take a while for you to see all these gifts that you possess but they are there waiting to be discovered and used to create something for the greater good. Wishing you a lovely day where you take moments to pause and celebrate you.

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Image via Louie Luxe