You might be asking yourself why on earth I want you to know about podcasts and you’re probably thinking that you already consume enough information on a daily basis, right? The question is: are you consuming the right type of information? Information that decreases your stress levels, puts your problems in perspective, shows you that you aren’t alone in your struggles and gives you tools to face life’s big challenges.

We take in a huge amount of information on a daily basis but most of it is just bombarding us from all angles and a lot of the time, it’s hurting more than helping us.

If you take your car to commute to work, what’s the first thing you do when you get behind the wheel? Turn on the radio. And what flows out when you turn that dial? Either a lot of stupid jibber jabber, negative news or music that isn’t even that good. Your other option is to tune into something that is fun to listen to and will enrich your life. The choice is obvious, no?


The official definition is: a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically (source: Google).

Translation? It’s kind of like a radio show that is pre-recorded that you can download and then listen to without any internet connection, whenever it’s most convenient for you. You can browse, download and subscribe to podcasts via three popular platforms: iTunes, PodcastOneStitcher Radio or Tunein.


It really depends on the podcasts you subscribe to. The ones I love are inspiring, full of wisdom and life guidance. They are positive and constructive. They give me tools to be the best version of myself and make me feel connected to the rest of humanity that faces the same challenges I do. In addition to this, if you listen to a podcast rather than the news you will expand your knowledge, develop new perspectives and look at life in a grander way (rather than being depressed about the state of the world).


These podcasters are five completely different genres and that’s what is so wonderful about this media. There are as many different styles than there are individuals doing podcasts. I’m so grateful that we have the technology to access and connect with the people creating this amazing content. I’m currently subscribed to 10 podcasts but the five featured below are the ones I listen to religiously.

The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast

Him and Her podcast with Lauryn Evarts & Michael Bosstick

I have a major girl crush on blogger Lauryn of The Skinny Confidential. She’s totally my spirit animal in that she’s a crazy driven perfectionist like me but she’s also super smart, 100% authentic  and quite funny.  As the name suggests, the Him and Her podcast features Lauryn and her man, Michael Bosstick. They cover topics such as branding, blogging, entrepreneurship, relationships, travel, marketing and social media. I’m sure you can understand now why I’m obsessed with this podcast.

Listen via the The Skinny Confidential website or subscribe via iTunes.

The School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes

The School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes

Lewis Howes is a former pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur that faced some big challenges earlier in his life but rather than being defeated by them, he rose to the occasion and created an inspiring life for himself. Today, he benefits the lives of thousands of people thanks to the motivational work he does via his podcast, book, speaking events and more. Lewis has incredible guests on his show such as Jack Canfield, Russel Simmons, Elizabeth Gilbert and even Alanis Morissette!

Listen via Lewis Howes’ website or subscribe via iTunes.

The Rob Cast podcast with Rob Bell

The Rob Cast with Rob Bell

Rob Bell is a bestselling author, international teacher, and highly sought after public speaker. I first discovered him via Super Soul Sunday and I pretty much follow everything he does now including reading his latest book How to Be Here (read my review). Rob dives into the most fascinating topics his show and he’s always a hoot to listen to. Never thought I would say that about a pastor!

Listen via Rob Bell’s website or subscribe via iTunes.

Magic Lessons podcast with Elizabeth Gilbert

Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert

You likely know Elizabeth Gilbert thanks to her international best seller Eat, Pray Love or more recently her book Big Magic (read it, loved it!). Elizabeth Gilbert is like chicken soup for the soul. Her soothing voice and comforting words are just what we need in a day and age where performance and results make us run ourselves into the ground. In her podcast, Elizabeth teaches us to make friends with fear, be kinder to ourselves and explore our creativity without judgment.

Listen via Elizabeth Gilbert’s website or subscribe via iTunes

The Art of Making Things Happen podcast by Jennifer Young

The Art of Making Things Happen/Finding your flow with Jennifer Jane Young

Jennifer is a Yogatherapist, coach, entrepreneur and more importantly, a very good a friend of mine. I am always amazed at the wisdom she has to share with us in her podcasts which provide precious guidance for life’s ups and downs. I even had the pleasure of being a guest on her podcast (listen to the episode here) which was a great experience. A few examples of the topics she covers: “The difference between working hard and struggling”, “What you need to let go of to reach success” and my favourite, “How being mediocre and stepping outside your comfort zone will make you reach big goals”.

Jennifer’s first podcast was The art of making things happen which has transformed into the Finding your flow podcast.


My favourite times to consume podcasts are: while getting ready in the morning, during a walk/run, on the train or in the car, while taking a bath or when I am cooking or cleaning the house. These are all these moments during the day where we can just let our mind wander and get lost in worry OR we can choose to use this time to feed our mind and soul.


If you listen to some of the above suggestions and like what you hear, you can dive deeper into the great work these podcasters do by checking out their books. Jenn’s isn’t published yet but it’s only a matter of time. I ADORE all four of the books below and highly recommend them if you want to live a fuller, more inspiring and meaningful life. Enjoy!

The Skinny Confidential book

The Skinny Confidential paperback  | Kindle edition | iBooks version 

The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes

The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes hardcover |  Kindle Edition |  iBooks version

Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert, wellness, personal growth, happiness

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert hardcover |  Kindle Edition |  iBooks version

How to be here by Rob Bell

How to be here by Rob Bell hardcoverKindle EditioniBooks version

Have an inspiring podcast you love listening to? Share it in the comments below!  As a side note, I was interviewed by Jennifer for her podcast on the realities of building a “dream life”. Have a listen and find out more here.

Until next time, remember to live healthy + happy!

Geneviève xo

7 thoughts on “The benefits of listening to podcasts + my faves

  • Thanks for this! Glad to have suggestions for podcasts as I actually don’t really listen to any because I’m not sure which ones to start listening to :-)

  • Je ne connaissais pas les podcast, quelle belle découverte!!! J’adore Lewis Howes! J’ai même découvert des podcasts de méditation!! Merci Red fairy!! Tu es toujours aussi inspirante! XX

  • Tellement contente que ça soit une belle découverte pour toi Nathalie! Et c’est super pour les podcasts de méditation. Tu en as en particulier que tu as beaucoup aimé? Et finalement, merci pour tes gentils mots. Ce sont des commentaires touchants comme le tien qui m’encouragent à travailler fort chaque semaine pour produire du contenu qui vous inspire et vous est utile! xxx

  • J’ai trouvé lululemon pour méditation et the Daily méditation podcast! J’aime bien!

  • C’est génial Nathalie! Merci d’avoir partagé pour que d’autres puissent les découvrir aussi!

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