Do you practice moments of gratitude everyday? Do you stop to think about how lucky you are to be surrounded by loved ones and be able to experience all that you do? Being grateful is the key to letting joy enter your life.

We sometimes tend to focus on what we don’t have or want to have rather than realizing all the blessings that are already there.

This can create stress and a sense of emptiness or lack which doesn’t make us feel at peace.

On the other hand, if you make a conscious decision to practice gratitude throughout your day, you’ll be amazed at how your mood improves and you feel a little lighter.

Take small moments this weekend to notice all the beauty in your life. From someone’s laughter to the great food you will eat to the fact that your healthy body allows you to move with freedom.

I do this multiple times a day everyday and I sometimes even say thank you out loud when I’m alone to really let it sink in. Wishing you a wonderful day where you take in all the gifts of the present moment and find peace with the Now. ♡

Geneviève xoxo

To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading below!  (Image via Think Grow Prosper)