Do you know what makes you strong and beautiful? EVERYTHING you are. Your strengths, your weaknesses, your victories, your failures. Even failures are beautiful because they show that you have the courage to tryIt shows that you are here to live life to the fullest and follow your heart even if it means doing something you are unsure of. That’s the beauty of this life.

We have so many possibilities that others can only dream about.

What blocks us is that we get in our own way because of fears. We think we will be safe if we stay in our little box and don’t disturb anyone. That’s not how you live an incredible life. An incredible life is when you embrace every aspect of yourself.
Even that crazy idea that rests at the bottom of your heart and whispers to you every day to muster up the courage to do what you desire.

Think of everything you’ve gone through so far in your life. Isn’t it beautiful? 
Aren’t you proud of how you got right back up after you had fallen? To be afraid is 100% human. We don’t need to be fearless. We just need to take action even though we are afraid.

Your soul has true power and courage.

You can learn to tap into that. To see that you’ll be fine even if you try something and it doesn’t turn out as planned. It doesn’t make you any less of an incredible being to make mistakes. It’s just part of your exploring during this short adventure.

Try to see how strong and beautiful you are today. It’s reflected in all that you do. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Replace the critical thoughts with loving ones. It’s the only way to walk this path with peace and embrace life to the fullest. Wishing you a wonderful day.

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Image by The Ricki Lee via Lisa Messenger