A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed for one of my favourite podcasts, The Art of Making Things Happen by Jennifer Young. The subject: 3 expat-preneurs sharing the realities of building their dream life. It was one of the most honest conversations I’ve had about my journey since quitting my job two years ago to focus on The Red Fairy Project and build my wellness business.

The podcast actually inspired me to write this article in the Huffington Post. It’s a sort of tell all on the good, the bad and the ugly moments we go through when choosing to take that leap to reach for our dreams. I compare the entrepreneurial “adventure” to being on a rollercoaster: there are ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns and yes, sometimes nausea while we ask ourselves why the heck we embarked on this crazy ride in the first place.

Listen to the podcast on iTunes (episode 21 titled “3 expat-preneurs sharing the realities of building their dream life”.

Discover my other favourite podcasts.

Geneviève xo