I’m taking a break from booze after indulging a bit too much over the past few months (if I’m honest it’s for emotional reasons which is exactly I want to break this habit). Alcohol has been a bit of a crutch to release stress lately (in addition to yoga, meditation and exercise) and for this health conscious lady it’s very unlike me. Find out the other reasons by watching this:

The EXCEPTION: I do know that I will be having a special guest over for a few days and we will be having some wine so this is NOT A FULL DETOX and that’s A okay. It’s when we are to go to extremes that we get discouraged and then don’t even try to be healthier.

My commitment is as follows: I promise myself not to drink any alcohol other than the 3 days my guest will be here and even then, I want to drink a little less than usual.

Then it’s back on track and then I will be doing a DETOX DECEMBER where I don’t think any booze until my Xmas parties. WANT TO JOIN ME? Comment below this video so we can keep each other accountable or send me a DM on Instagram here!

Wishing all you lovelies a magical month.

Geneviève xo


PHOTO: Half Baked Harvest (an immensely talented food blogger)