Life doesn’t always unfold the how we had planned and it rarely rolls out according to our timeline but what’s meant to be will always find its way. Sometimes we wish for something so badly and yet it doesn’t happen for various reasons. We must trust the timing of life and what it sends our way when.

We often tend to want to control outcomes but it’s not all up to us and we don’t always know best. We never have the entire picture in the present moment when we are wishing for something to come our way. This is why we must have faith that what is meant to be will find a way.

This also means that it’s possible that something we desire isn’t actually meant to be. It can be difficult to accept it but we often see later on why that was and it’s usually because life had something even better in store for us. Take a moment to be grateful for all that you already have and be open to what life sends your way. Have a beautiful day!

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Image via Lisa Messenger

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