Do you believe that making your dreams happen is realistic? Or do you think that you should just keep them to yourself and stay in fantasy land while accepting a less than thrilling life? I want you to not only dream big but to take action so that your dreams become a reality.

In this video, I talk about the 4 steps that allowed me to follow my dreams and start making them a real thing. This is not a one size fits all recipe for guaranteed success but I do believe there are key ingredients that will put you on the right path. Enjoy!

So to recap, the 4 suggested steps to make your dreams happen are:

  1. Get clear! Do you know what your dreams are? (how to create a vision board)
  2. Determine the first step to take
  3. Get comfortable with uncertainty and not seeing the full picture
  4. Take action!

I compare making our dreams a reality to crossing a river. We can’t always know exactly where we are going to set foot or if we are going to slip and fall. The important factor to focus on is remember what is waiting for us on the other side and also to have faith in our journey. Speaking of faith, I’ll leave my favourite Martin Luther King Jr. quote that wraps up beautifully the message I want to convey with this post:

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the entire staircase.” 

Did this post resonate with you? Does it give you motivation to get started on your dreams? I’d love to know your feedback in the comment section! You can also share any questions or concerns you have in order to start your journey.

Thanks for stopping by and if you want to dive deeper into this topic, continue reading below!