How often do you think about who you truly are? About who the best version of you is. Beyond the roles you play and the tasks of your day, you are a divine being. You are here to bring great gifts to the world and to create a fulfilling life for yourself.

We are meant to be happy. We are meant to tap into our full potential.

What stops us from accomplishing this is often fearIt’s what we learn while growing up by listening to what others tell us and what we observe. We must be careful who we look to when deciding what kind of life we should live.

Some people will inspire us and others will keep us stuck.

If you want to rise up to your full potential it’s so important to surround yourself with people that have done that or at least that are on their way to getting there. This life can be such an enriching one if you decide to make it so. If you decide to see ALL that you have to offer. Not just the skills that help you earn a living.

Fulfillment is about so much more than that. Yes we must pay the bills but if we limit our life focus to only that we are likely unsatisfied and don’t feel fully realized.

Take a step today to tap into one of your many gifts that you had put aside.

It might be a talent that comes so naturally to you that you don’t even realize you have it. Notice what others compliment you on and when you bring value to their lifeRight there is a gift you can tap into more often that will benefit you and so many more. Wishing you a beautiful day where you surround yourself with inspiration and release what is keeping you from the best version of yourself.

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