Choose love today. Choose it in the thoughts you have about yourself and others and choose to receive love when it’s offered to you. It can be via a compliment from someone you know or a sincere smile from a stranger that crosses your path.

Choose love in how you treat others. In how you embrace who they are (flaws and all).

Choose love by taking care of yourself in how you eat, drink and move your bodyIf you are normally very strict with yourself like I can be, allow yourself a bit of flexibility and indulge if you feel like it. If you tend to push yourself hard, take time to slow down and just beIf you are afraid of exploring your creative side but have had the desire to develop it, go for it today.

Choose love by putting judgement and separateness aside.

The energy around you shifts when you make a conscious decision to choose love. It happens one thought at a time and one decision at a time. You’ll start noticing little changes that improve the quality of your life. You’ll see more people being drawn to you and wanting to be part of that loving energy.

You will be more and more comfortable with yourself and others when you choose love.

Every person we interact with feels whether we are leaning towards love or fear. Notice today when you choose one over the other. See how your body reacts. If you are more relaxed when choosing loving thoughts. Wishing you a beautiful Easter Sunday spent enjoying a more and more loving mindset.

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To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading below!

Image by Melo_and_Co.

2 thoughts on “Choose love

  • Everyday I try to take another step towards a Love centred life. Still struggling with the judgement side of things but I will learn to let go as long as I keep choosing love.

  • Yes, it’s a process that takes time but it’s so worth it. We must work on this every day. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you continue to find inspiration here on a daily basis! Wishing you a wonderful week (and sorry for the delay in responding!). Geneviève xo

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