These are three precious mantras that if followed today will make it a better one I guarantee you. It’s incredible how when we set a clear intention for ourselves, we are guided towards actions and decisions that are aligned with it.

The more loving we decide to be, the more love we will create and receive. This doesn’t mean that we won’t run into conflicts or obstacles but when we have an intention, we can come back to it and choose to focus on that rather than the drama.

Being present is always a sure way to improve the quality of your lifeWhen we are lost in thought, stuck in the future or the past, it’s impossible to give the full and magnificent version of ourselves. We cannot tap into our true potential without being present.

Yes, this can be tricky as the mind always tries to suck us back into its never ending cycle of thoughts but with practice it’s achievable and well worth the effort.

Living freely to me means being your authentic self. Not being afraid of being vulnerable. When we try to put a mask on, to pretend to be someone we’re not, we are wasting our precious energy towards keeping up that facade rather than using all our gifts to create a fulfilling life.

Try on one of these mantras on for size today and see how it can guide you and make you feel like you are living on purpose rather than just being reactive to what life throws at you. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with mindfulness and intention.

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Image via Lisa Messenger. If you know who created this lovely visual, please do tell as I always want to credit those who bring me these morning inspirations.