Since COVID-19 made its way into our lives, many people have started working out from home and the online fitness world has been booming. I started working out from home when I was in Switzerland years ago because the cost of going to the gym or to a yoga studio was outrageous. That’s when I discovered Tracy Campoli workouts and my exercise routine changed forever.
Working out from home is fabulous because you have NO EXCUSES: the weather can’t be an excuse, you can’t say you forgot your gym bag and the cost is usually pretty minimal so that cannot be used either as a reason not to workout. I’m all about removing the obstacles to create a solid wellness routine so the easier you make it, the better.
After doing the Tracy Campoli workouts for about 2 or 3 years, I was in the mood for a change and that’s when I discovered the Tone it up community thanks to my good friend Chadi. From the first video filmed on a gorgeous beach with the cutest workout outfits (and the positive energy of Katrina and Karena the two founders) I was hooked.

Tone it up is about so much more than just working out: it’s about community, connection and mindset (adopting a loving one). I am part of a Montreal Tone it up Facebook private group and Tone it up has their more general group too. I check in every day and post a selfie with a short description of the workout I did. It keeps you accountable and we always motivate each other which is great.
The types of workout you’ll find on the Tone it up app are quite extensive: HIIT, cardio, dance, pilates, body weight, free weights, yoga, kick boxing and even meditation sessions. The visuals are always inspiring (that’s important to my motivation) and the workout sessions are always fun (just a great positive and loving energy).
Once again, at a time when I wanted to mix things up a little from my daily Tone it up workouts, I fell upon Melissa Wood Health via a lifestyle influencer I follow on Instagram. I would describe Melissa’s workouts as a pilates style with a twist. She focuses on form and breathing which I appreciate as a yogi and it’s all about elongating the body vs bulking it up. Her workouts look deceptively easy but beware – THEY BURN (in the best way possible).

Workouts are often just with body weight so no equipment needed to get started but she also has some with Bala bangles which I am obsessed with (I bought 2 pairs), a pilates ring (this one is a great option) and a pilates ball (like this). Her app now has a weekly schedule which I LOVE. It takes away the decision fatigue of having to figure out what workout to do.
Both apps offer short workouts which is a must in my opinion. If you follow me on Instagram where I share snippets of my daily workouts you know my mantra: SOME MOVEMENT IS BETTER THAN NO MOVEMENT.
I would highly recommend trying their workouts for free on You Tube and if you like their style, then you can download the app. Both apps are very affordable and you can cancel your membership at any time. If you do try them out and enjoy, let me know in the comments below!
Until next step stay fit and have fun!
Geneviève xo