I’ll start by being fully transparent and admit that I’ve never been into manifesting. Probably because a part of me feels a sense of “ickness” when people focus too much on material things and for me manifesting equaled just wanting more money or stuff. A manifestation practice also felt really overwhelming. Like I was trying to perform this big magic trick left to my own devices and didn’t really know what I was doing.

It’s when I finally understood that manifesting means bringing into the world something that is already inside of you that this powerful practice became a game changer.

When I started to realize that I am just as worthy and capable as anyone else to make my dreams happen (and so are you) – because why the hell not? We are all meant to be happy and to fulfill our purpose. That doesn’t meant it’s an easy path but it isn’t easier to ignore that voice within you that is telling you you have so much untapped potential just waiting to come through.

Google the word “manifesting” and an unlimited amount of content pops up. Rather than letting ourselves feel overwhelmed and not know where to begin on this exploratory journey, I invite you to start small. With something as simple as listening to a podcast episode like the one I touch on below by Lewis Howes.

Lewis Howes is one of my favourite podcasters, motivational speakers and authors.  This episode on 5 daily practices to manifest abundance is a real gem. Below I share a few highlights from the episode that really resonated with me and I highly encourage you to give it a listen (you can even break it down in a few sessions since it’s over an hour long).

Success doesn’t = harmonious abundance (it’s important to define what true success means to you, way beyond the material stuff)

We must create fertile ground for success and abundance (We must start by remembering that we are worthy of manifesting what we desire. Self love and belief in self is the foundation of manifesting.)

What do your heart and soul really want from a calm and centered place of within yourself?

To unlock your manifestation power, ask yourself these 3 questions (being vulnerable here and sharing my very personal answers in the hopes it can inspire you to be honest with yourself as well:

What triggers you the most in your life (which areas)?

My answer: money (fear of lack), being criticized (recovering perfectionist), the fear of people being upset with me (the need to people please), feeling abandoned/alone.

What have you been avoiding within yourself?

My answer: Truly diving into my wellness career. Tapping into my deepest passion and my purpose: wellness/well-being. Why? The fear of not making enough money (being poor) and not succeeding (being alone).

How can you start bringing love and acceptance to that part of yourself? 

My answer: Remembering that what I am feeling called to do is there for a reason: because it’s part of my purpose. To give myself permission to try and fail… and try again (always while being kind towards myself and knowing that what matters is that I am showing up). What is way worse than failing? Having regrets and feeling like you are not honouring that inner voice that is trying to guide you.

A few inspiring quotes from the podcast episode to reflect on:

Quote Muniba Mazari When you accept yourself

Oprah quote abundance


Discover my other favourite podcasts here! Namaste. Geneviève xo