Do you ever experience a glimpse of inner peace during your day and you’re not sure where it came from? The feeling that you are supported and and that you don’t have to worry so much. I can go weeks without it surfacing but when it does, it’s the most reassuring feeling ever.

This doesn’t mean that the rest of the time I am stuck in stress or worry but there is a certain need to stay in control and “manage life”.

I find that the more I meditate and spend time in nature, the more often this feeling of inner peace pops up.

It’s like I’ve tapped into a source that is beyond this physical world. A place where we can just be and we know that everything is going to be alright. I don’t know about you but I’d like a taste of that every day. In fact, multiple times a day if possible!

If you feel like you are caught in the rat race and are constantly stuck in your mind, focused on doing, controlling and worrying, it’s time for a shift.

Why not spend some time with me every morning reading these Daily Inspiration posts and then meditating on them for a few minutes?

It’s when we connect with something bigger than ourselves that we understand it’s not all up to us. We get that we can slow down and just be and that our life won’t derail if we do so. 

It’s so so important to remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings having a human experienceThat we need to stay connected with our soul in order to avoid falling out of balance or feeling totally empty and lost.

Check-in with your soul today. How is it doing? Does it need a little TLC?

If so, do something that is calming or inspiring to you. Spend time in nature, listening to soothing music, doing yoga… Whatever it is that allows you to go within and remind yourself of who you really are.

You are not just a creature that is meant to produce and perform. You are so beyond that. If you feel like you’re lost, ask your soul for guidance.

It knows the way. You just have to be quiet enough to listen to itWishing you a wonderful day filled with inner peace and knowing that you are supported.

Did this post give you more inspiration to live healthy + happy? Like it and share it with your friends! The more we are to bring daily inspiration into the lives of others, the better. To dive deeper into this topic, continue reading below!

Image via Kelly Rutherford

2 thoughts on “You are supported

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